All About Ann Dvorak’s Encino Walnut Ranch This Thursday


Just a reminder that tomorrow, February 6th, I will be giving a presentation all about Ann Dvorak’s Encino walnut ranch at the Encino-Tarzana branch library at 6pm.

I have waxed ecstatic about this property numerous times in the past, which is where Ann resided during the seemingly happiest and most productive time of her life and career. I am thrilled to ramble on about the place for an hour or so to a, hopefully, captivated audience. I have dug up every historic photo I could find, including images of owners after Ann, so the evening should be a lot of fun. AND, Larry Edmunds Bookshop has graciously agreed to sell copies of Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel at the event.

Hope to see some friendly faces there!


  1. DickP February 5, 2014

    HELP!! HELP!!! Will the event be video taped allowing those of us far from the LA area, purchase a copy? SAY YES, PLEASE…………

  2. admin February 5, 2014

    Unfortunately, I don’t think the branch has the ability to film. 🙁

  3. DickP February 6, 2014

    And here we are in the Digital Age…Oh, well, I wish the Library was a bit more “up to date”..

  4. Scott February 6, 2014

    It is currently 1 degree Fahrenheit outdoors and we’re digging ourselves out from under a foot of snow here in this corner of the Midwest part of the USA.

    Oh, how I would love to be there this evening if there was any way.

    ‘California dreamin’ … on such a winter’s day.’

  5. admin February 6, 2014

    Well, Central Library is set up to record, but I am doing this presentation at one of the branches. With 72 of them and slim budgets, I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

  6. admin February 6, 2014

    I guess I should not complain about rain in the forecast for this evening. 😀

  7. Scott Brinson February 8, 2014

    So how did it go?

  8. admin February 8, 2014

    Quite well, thanks! We had around 43 people, which is pretty good for a neighborhood branch. Plus, it was raining, which people in L.A. interpret as a sign of the apocalypse so it’s amazing that many people would be so brave (yeah, we’re weather weaklings out here). Lots of questions – always a good sign of an engaged audience and a couple of book sales. All in all, a moderate success.

  9. DickP February 15, 2014

    Next up: A session on TCM! What can we as a group do to help things along with that effort?

  10. Scott Brinson February 19, 2014

    Wish I could attend one of your signings! I bought your book when it came out & read it in December as I was off from work, recovering from surgery – thoroughly enjoyed it. So well researched & clearly written with love & admiration.

    You and I discovered Ann in much the same way, via “3 on a Match.” But I had also seen here in “A Life of Her Own” at that point, so that 1-2 punch made me HAVE to find out who this woman was LOL! Many thanks for your dedication to preserving and enhancing Ann’s place in film history 🙂


  11. admin February 19, 2014

    Thanks Scott, I really appreciate it! I’ll be introducing a couple of screenings in Chicago in April if that’s more your neck of the woods.

  12. Scott Brinson February 19, 2014

    nah I’m in Atlanta, but very happy to hear you’ve got more gigs lined up!

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