Ann Dvorak Birth Date Confirmed as August 2, 1911

Dvorak and Lehr

In the ten years that I have been researching the life of Ann Dvorak, most sources give her birth date as 1912, including her application for a Social Security number. Ann’s death certificate gives 1911 as the year, but I just figured the informant gave an incorrect date.

This past weekend, I accompanied my husband, Josh, to New York City for Comic-Con and stopped by the library to take a quick look at the birth index which is on microfiche and not yet available online. Imagine my surprise when I found Anna McKim listed on the 1911 index, instead of 1912. One year is not a big deal, but it’s nice to be accurate.

While I was at it, I looked up Ann’s mom, Anna Lehr who tended to shave off a few years here and there. She is listed as Anna Lajer,  born November 18, 1890.

During my short stay in the Big Apple I bought five new Ann photos at one of my favorite poster shops and actually found a gorgeous still from Dr. Socrates at Comic Con. Overall, a very successful weekend.

On a personal note, one of Josh’s college buddies is a member of the Players Club, which was the former home of Edwin Booth, the renowned actor and brother of Lincoln’s assassin. We had a wonderful time touring the club and sipping wine on the balcony overlooking Gramercy Park. I heart NY.


  1. Cindy in Brooklyn, NY April 25, 2008

    Hi Christina!

    Since I live in New York City, I would love to visit that poster shop you mentioned where you bought five Ann photos. Could you give the name of it, please? I would really appreciate it. Glad you had a great time in our wonderful city.

    Thanks for all that you do for us Ann Dvorak fans!


  2. admin April 25, 2008

    Hi Cindy,

    Jerry Ohlinger’s on 35th between 7th & 8th. He can be kind of pricey, but still manages to get me to buy stuff every time I visit.

    Have fun!


  3. Robert Sieger May 20, 2008

    Hi. Thanks for the confirmation of 1911 as year of birth. That jibes with what I found at the Social Security Death Index. If you have actually seen Dvorak’s death certificate, could you reveal the cause of death, which has never been revealed.

    I understand she was a private lady, but it’s been almost 30 years and there are no survivors, so…


    Robert Sieger
    New York City

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