“Ann Dvorak Clubs Coyote” – The Best Headline of Her Career

Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 80


Of all the headlines Ann garnered during her career, my all time favorite is “Ann Dvorak Clubs Coyote.” This was first reported on March 20, 1935 when Ann supposedly took it upon herself to take care of a coyote who was killing chickens on her walnut ranch when the hired help was too, um, chicken to.


I think it was the Los Angeles Evening Herald & Express that ran that actual headline, but I was too lazy to go dig it up and scan it. Instead, here’s a selection of variations on the story, which I am choosing to believe is true. I love the thought of 5’4″, 110 lb Ann marching into her chicken coup with a club and walking out dragging a coyote behind her.


So yeah, I kept it in the book.


  1. artman2112 March 21, 2013


  2. DickP March 21, 2013

    This may explain why Leslie Fenton was a true blue hubby while they were here in the US. Possibly she didn’t take her weapon of choice along to England later in their marriage, and you can see the result. Well, it makes for a good yarn anyway…

  3. Tony P April 9, 2013


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