Ann in the Snow
On December 22, 2013 by Christina Rice With 5 Comments
- Collection Spotlight
Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 356
Only ten posts left in the Year of Ann Dvorak, and I honestly could not think of anything to write today. So, here’s a photo from the honeymoon scrapbook of Ann in 1932, possibly in St. Moritz, Switzerland, bundled up and enjoying the snowy  landscape.
Happy Sunday!
Besides this one, and the other 11 displayed in that Huffington Post spread seen in Day 345, are there any other photographic offerings from the honeymoon scrapbook you’ve yet to post on here?
I would guess there are around 100 more or so, though many are from a 1938 trip and a lot are scenery shots that Ann is not in.
I would like to so something more creative with the photos, like a print on demand book. The problem is that most of the locations are not identified. I recently found someone who is fairly well versed in European history. I’m hoping he will be able to ID many of the mystery locations.
Looking over those Huff Post dozen once again, that one entitled “Windswept on the Baltic” is a particular favorite.
A print on demand book……………… I know at least one person who would be interested.
A gal barely out of her teens, putting her promising career on hold, on a nearly year long honeymoon/vacation during the early years of the depression – my amazement about this adventurous side of Ann increases the more I think about it.
With some free time on the horizon, finally looking forward to watching that hour or so presentation linked a little while back. Sure I won’t be disappointed.
My friends group at the library helped me put together this print on demand book from some of the Herman Schultheis photos and it turned out amazingly well.
It would be nice to compile and layout all the images, so we’ll see what I am up to once the Year of Ann Dvorak is over.