Biography Progress Report #25: Out Into the World

Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 208

A few months back, the marketing department at the University Press of Kentucky had me fill out a lengthy questionnaire which included providing names of appropriate people who would be willing to provide quotes about the Ann Dvorak book for the back cover and publicity purposes. I was informed by two of those people yesterday that UPK contacted them and sent along a copy of the manuscript.

At this point, Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel  has only been read by a handful of people, three of who are close friends. Even though the two authors who were contacted yesterday are also friends, it’s still nerve wracking knowing that this book I have been working on for an inordinate amount of time is making it’s way out into the world. I finished re-reading it yesterday, and am going to give it a second go, just to make sure I caught all the errors. There are a few things I wish I could go back and do different, but we’re past the point of no return and it’s full steam ahead. Overall, I think it turned out quite well and the time has finally come to find out if others agree.


  1. Mike July 27, 2013

    Even the final manuscript, in reality, is just the latest rough draft. An English instructor told me that. Good luck – I’m sure you got a winner.

  2. admin July 27, 2013

    Thanks Mike, much appreciated.

  3. Scott July 27, 2013

    It would be difficult to impossible for anyone who has spent even one day, to date, in the Year of Ann Dvorak, to not believe that “Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel” will be anything other than a most interesting, informative and readable journey.

  4. admin July 27, 2013

    Aww, you’re all very sweet and I hope I don’t let any of you down!

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