Blast From Ann Dvorak’s Past: Ramona Sheet Music
On December 7, 2013 by Christina Rice With 0 Comments
- Collection Spotlight
Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 341
As I make the final touches on my pre-Code lecture for this afternoon, here’s an oldie but a goodie from my Ann Dvorak collection. I guess everything I have is an oldie, but this piece goes all the way back to 1916. As many of you already know, Ann technically made her film debut as a tot in the feature Ramona. Credited as “Baby Anna Lehr,” she was only in the prologue (on a reel that is now “lost”) and played the title character as a child. Despite this limited screen time, Ann garnered excellent notices, and as we can see from the above sheet music was featured not once, but twice!
I think that kid may have a future in pictures.