The Year of Ann Dvorak is Halfway Over

Year of Ann Dvorak: Day 183

After yesterday’s post, the Year of Ann Dvorak is halfway over. I have somehow managed to stick to my incredibly foolish commitment of blogging about Ann Dvorak everyday in 2013. For those of you coming late to my silly games, I decided to engage in this year-long blogathon in order to promote my book Ann Dvorak: Hollywood’s Forgotten Rebel, which is due out in November from University Press of Kentucky. I also saw it as a way to make up for the lack of content produced for this site while I was finishing up the biography.

I am celebrating entry #183 by posting of photo of Ann-D gussied up in Flame of Barbary Coast.


  1. Scott July 2, 2013

    ‘Incredibly foolish’? Hope you don’t really think so.

    ‘The Year of Ann Dvorak’ has, to date, been incredibly entertaining, incredibly informative, and incredibly worth anyone’s time who chooses to look in here.

    Incredibly good job.

    Incredibly appreciated.

  2. admin July 2, 2013

    Thanks Scott, much appreciated.

    In retrospect, I probably should have done a weekly post instead of daily, which would have still been more than I was posting before. I generally write these the night before they go up and now that my toddler has decided 10pm is her bedtime, the nightly Ann post can be a bit grueling.

  3. Scott July 2, 2013

    You know, under the circumstances, the shareholders here, would, I’m certain, be amenable to allowing you to renegotiate the terms of that commitment.

  4. admin July 2, 2013

    Thanks for the pass, but after 183 days I am all in. I’m tough despite all my whining.

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